Since reading ‘Rest is Resistence’ by Tricia Hersey in the wintertime, this era has been an opening for new portals for Rest.
I've been feeling the Abundance!
I’ve been unlearning that treading on the hamster wheel is not how I can continue keeping up, but a response I feel from internalized individualist, capitalist and patriarchal messages I’ve been taught all my life.
And when I compulsively convince myself that I can’t ask for help, that I have to fend for myself to soothe the anxiety around my mental health or business side of things… a big chunk of this burden comes from individualism and historical experiences of scarcity from my family lineage that I have often heard about and witnessed growing up…
When your body has been activated in this state for this long, you may begin to mistaken this as the norm.
Abundance is pretty new for me, and it's the opposite of capitalism's agenda, so it is supposed to feel ‘different’ and ‘not like myself’.
Being able to recognize that ‘not being able to rest’ has its roots in internalized messages of cultural legacy burdens from racism, capitalism, ableism, materialism, individualism and other -isms has been so helpful.
One July night when I felt Abundance, I had to capture the moment. Here is what Abundance felt like that night:
”When Abundance is felt in my body, it’s the most satisfying, fulfilling sensation ever. Like the best nap I’ve ever taken. Or watching the prettiest sunset beaming through a landscape.
I feel myself put value and pride in the work I do, even when the workload seems invisible.
Abundance is noticing the space, expansion and openness to receive, being myself, not taking myself so seriously.
Tempering my body to live a bit more courageously and authentically everyday.
I’m writing down these words immediately because I am still welcoming in Abundance from a culture struggling with scarcity.
I want to learn to embody Abundance.
I want to be Abundance.”
Here is the story of Ubuntu (credits to Abby who introduced this in our monthly peer group).
That’s what culture/community in Abundance can be like.
And it exists already!
I appreciate each and every one of you who resonates with some of these experiences: having complex feelings around slowing down, trying hard to unlearn and smashing the encoded messages around scarcity, capitalism and all the other -isms.
Investing in Relational Justice for our sacred bodies and minds.
Collective Abundance and Rest is what will sustain us and help us survive this climate.