Posts tagged compassion
Can't Seem to Depend on Anyone Else But Yourself? Read This.


It's my (very Virgo) birthday in a few days and I've been feeling a mixture of not being able to catch up to this heavily socialized age, and amused by how I have been attempting to restore pieces of girlhood.




When I entered the early years of my 20s, I related to my struggles very differently.


If I were to wear the lens of how I saw the world and myself from then, this would have been playing as a record in my head:


"I am unforgiving towards myself, coping with the fear of losing what is deemed as love and care through people pleasing.

When I struggle, I think that I am the burden

I have to get through this all on my own."


It's complicated because at the same time, I also know that my younger selves in my 10s and 20s have been very protective of me in the ways they knew how:

I made it a mission to save up financially in order to free myself from complex family dynamics (still navigating this). 

I always played the big, tough role as the eldest daughter taking care of my younger sibling.

I would always ask myself, “what else can I do” to help my loved ones, because I cared. So much.




I am so proud of how far I've come because today:


I'm in the era of doing one thing that ‘scares my family' (aka oppressive systems, culture, the authorities) everyday.


I'm in my sensitive, expansive and ‘not carrying the pain around with me’ era.


˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆


I am coming out from a very individualist life and unlearning the harm from being socialized by oppressive systems under the guises of love and care. 


The wisdom of forgiving myself of shameful narratives I used to carry as my own burdens 

being in relation to my struggles in a compassionate, liberatory way have saved me and…


I found sanctuary through my community's witnessing of how far I've come. 


And I wish the same for you folks too.

Sending you Virgo energy + softness + forgiveness + love,


Why do People Self-harm?

Struggling to understand this behaviour, especially when you are supporting someone close to you struggling with this behaviour, can be very difficult. Self-harming is such an important topic and is in need of more awareness in the mental health realm, which is why I was inspired to write about this.

Self-harming is a way to regain emotional balance to extremely disturbing emotional disturbances. These behaviours could be symbolic to taking an aspirin for recurring headaches—there is immediate relief, but the pain is guaranteed to resurface.

Self-harming include not only self-injuring but also behaviours such as food restriction, binging and purging, or binge drinking and drug addictions. These behaviours could stem from mental health concerns such as trauma and coping with depression, anxiety, grief and loss, and pressure from life transitions.

The two most common reasons for self-harming are:

1. to control the extremely painful and frightening experience of overwhelming emotions

2. to escape from the awful feeling of being numb and empty.⁣

How you can help if you know someone who is struggling with self-harming:⁣

• Don’t be afraid to ask what they are going through or if they have anyone they trust who they can talk to about what is happening.⁣ Follow your instincts: if you suspect signs of depression or suicidal thoughts/ideation, ask them. The conversation might be missed if no one talks about it.

• When the conversation starts, empathy and validation are crucial: communicating that you understand and value the other person’s experience (especially emotional experience), even when you may not necessarily share the same opinion.⁣ Showing up is more helpful than you think.

• Typical reassurance techniques may not work: such as “time will pass” or “can’t you choose to be happy?” may be seen as inconsiderable and could do more harm than good.⁣

• Help them find resources. Find a mental health professional who can help them gain coping strategies to manage self-harm and for them to have a secure, confidential space to talk about what they are experiencing. Your job is not there to fix/solve it.

Mental health professionals go through years of training to create a secure environment for those hurting to express what’s happening and they provide unconditional positive regard. If the professional specializes in the self-harm behaviour you are struggling with, please reach out. Your story is important. You do not have to struggle with this overwhelm alone.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call one of the numbers below:

  • 9-1-1 if you are in an emergency.

  • 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) if you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may be.

  • 310Mental Health Support at 310-6789 (no area code needed) for emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health. 

  • Kid’s Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 to speak to a professional counsellor, 24 hours a day.

    For more information please visit this link.

    Disclaimer: Everything posted here is for educational purposes only and is not a replacement for individualized medical or mental health treatment. If you are in need a therapist, book a free consultation with me via this

How to be Kinder to Your Body During the Summer and Live with Intuition

Are you listening to the multi-trillion dollar diet industry that’s rooted in self-control? Are you feeling tired or just fed up with trying to fit into diet culture’s messages around what bodies “should” look like—especially during the summertime? Wouldn’t you rather listen and learn the non-diet mentality that is rooted in self-compassion? This blog post is written to encourage you, the reader, to fill your life with compassion and awareness of your intuition.

In our society, we are trained to be competitive, better, and to aim for above-average in order to be deemed “successful”. We are always told the message that higher self-esteem is better. What happens when we don’t meet our ideal standards and expectations? What happens when we oppress or put down other body types?


Some bitter facts about dieting:

  • Research shows that the number one thing women invest in is their self-esteem on their appearance.

  • On average, body image concerns for girls start in grade 3.

  • 80% of 10 year old girls have already been on a diet.

  • 33–35% of 6–8 year old boys indicate their ideal body is thinner than their current body.

  • The measurements of the male action figures young boys play with exceed even those of the

    biggest bodybuilders. Talk about unrealistic.

    Diet mentality and weight stigma.

    People in larger bodies often experience hurtful, shaming messages around their body and have higher chronic stress. Research shows that internalized weight stigma from our culture, rather than weight itself is responsible for most if not all of the excess health risks seen in people with larger bodies such as high rates of chronic diseases, heart disease or diabetes.

    Diet culture disguised as wellness culture.

    ‘Wellness’ is just another way of teaching and attempting people to control their body with demands on how to eat healthy, prioritize exercising and control weight for ‘aesthetics’ instead of living with peace and being fine with the body you’re in.

    Messages from diet culture are all around us: from the products we buy, food we label as ‘clean’ or ‘junk’, the ‘wellness diets’ that detoxes, cleanses, carb restricts... Diet culture thrives to shame and oppress people who don’t match its image of health. The consequence is the massive amount of time, energy, and money spent trying to shrink our bodies. Diet culture WORSHIPS thinness, as if thin bodies automatically equate to better health and higher power status. The "bikini body" in particular is an oppressive concept that seeks to squeeze women into a specific mold.

    95% of diets fail us.

    Yup, you heard that right: diets have a 95% fail rate (some say it’s close to 98%). Research follow-ups of ‘successful’ diet participants (those who lost weight significantly for a specific program or product) are only up to a year after their diet program is complete. What is not reported is that approximately two-thirds of people who lose weight will regain it within 1 year, and almost all of them will regain it within 5 years. While weight loss could trigger positive (short-term) outcomes, it is usually followed by weight regain.

    Diet culture has engulfed quite a large chunk of my teenage life and mental wellbeing. Growing up, most if not all of my friends around me were in some form of a diet or complained about their body shape or size. Self-sabotaging language around why our bodies are not thin enough, pretty enough, explaining why they aren’t ready for Summer echoed through the media, family, friends, school or work—it seems so hard to find self-compassion in this mess. 


False Self versus the True Self

The “Self” is not the only physical part! Why do we often neglect the intellectual, emotional and spiritual parts of the “Self”? All these parts are equally as important in understanding self- image.

The false self is like a shell, attempting to be molded into or shaped to achieve world ‘ideals’. This never-ending criticism of the false mind sees the body as an implication that we are not good enough, not thin enough, not perfect enough, not pretty enough...The false mind ignores feedback from the body, avoids awareness of emotions, and imposes harmful behaviours which could create social isolation, disordered eating, or body dysmorphia. Are you connecting to this false self by shaming how you look and hurting your self?

You may be currently seeking for external validation, and that’s okay. This is only the very beginning to getting closer to who you really are! External validations are opinions towards our self-image and our self-worth, but they do not define the true self.

So what is the true self? Well, the true self is looking within to determine who you really are. Instead of being outer directed of “who should I be?”, the true self looks to find the hidden self from your heart and soul where one’s true identity lies. To interact with the world, the true self is inner guided from the soul (where intuition lies), to the heart (where passion lies), to the mind (where intention lies) and goes outwards to the body (where action lies). Below are some topics for you to look into so that you can start practicing intuitive living and connect with your true self today!

Get to know the differences between self-esteem & self-compassion

Kristen Neffs’ definition of self-esteem is that it is a global evaluation of one’s self-worth. For the longest time, psychological research has been putting ‘self-esteem’ as the main marker of psychological health where low self-esteem was linked with higher levels of anxiety, higher risk of depression, and other psychological concerns.

The biggest obstacle to self-esteem is self-criticism.


“Self-compassion involves being touched by and open to one’s own suffering, not avoiding, or disconnecting from it, generating the desire to alleviate one’s suffering and to heal oneself with kindness.”—Ann Saffi Biasetti in Befriending Your Body

Instead of reacting to that destructive inner-critic voice that compares yourself to others or evaluating what you do at every step, start challenging it by practicing self-compassion. The 3 key components of self-compassion are self-kindness, common humanity (how am I the same as others instead of how am I different from others) and mindfulness.

Self-compassion acts as a buffer between difficult emotions and behaviours, helping you acknowledge and accept the pain. The practice of self-compassion actually allows you to move closer towards your suffering rather than away from it. Acknowledge how you are feeling, and take note of your struggles. Respond in a caring manner towards suffering. Don’t forget that imperfection and suffering are human experiences that all human beings connect with! You are not alone in this suffering.

Facing your pain, suffering, and what you are truly feeling in your current state is actually a very self-compassionate action!

Notice how you talk to yourself.

Remember: you don’t have to be in a diet to be caught up in the culture of diet. Notice your own language and how you think of your body. Dismantle and challenge the way you speak about your body and see if you could talk to your body as you would to a good friend. Treat yourself the way you treat others! You’re allowed to be compassionate to yourself. You are allowed to embrace body diversity and move away from diet mentality.

Reaching inwards for self-acceptance

Self-acceptance is unconditional positive regard as would the view of your therapist or a good friend have towards you. It’s the journey to accepting your imperfections, and start embracing what makes you human.

Here is a mindfulness activity you can practice to invite in more kindness and acknowledge your pain: (adapted meditation from Ann Saffi Biasetti)

Come up with 3 phrases that you can remind yourself like a mantra to offer support to yourself each day. At this point, you don’t have to believe them: you are attempting to comfort your mind and your nervous system. You are learning and building the ground for self-compassion to develop.

  1. Close your eyes and imagine someone you love, or a good friend who is suffering in some way. It can be the same thing you are dealing with or something different. Imagine this friend by calling the image into your mind.

  2. Imagine your friend asking you for help, support and advice. Notice what their suffering feels like in your body, paying attention to the emotions that are coming up for you as you image what they are enduring.

  3. What are 3 things you would say to them right now?

Open your eyes and write these 3 statements down. You will work with these words daily, especially when you are waking up and going to bed, since it is important to begin and end your day with helpful thoughts. Learning to be a friend to yourself is the first step in the continued development of a self-compassionate recovery.


Let your creativity connect to your intuition!

Intuitive drawings are courageous marks of one’s inner voice. A valuable lesson I have learned as an art therapist is to trust in myself, to create a reflection of what I feel and what I’m thinking about in the moment. Learning to step aside my critical mind and invite in my beginner’s mind. This is my intuitive drawing I drew after a short mindfulness exercise. While drawing this art piece, I was thinking of what a visualization of ‘inspiration’ would look like to me. I often get inspired by things I see in nature, in space (especially!), people who do art on the gram and this is a fused representation of all of that! I would like to invite you to close your eyes for a minute, take a few deep breaths and begin to visualize where you get your inspiration. Once you are ready, come back into the room and create your intuitive drawing from what you have experienced.

What intuitive eating is about

Another big component towards living more intuitively is your relationship with food. What was your relationship with food growing up? What is your current relationship with food?
If you are on a diet or have been on diets, you probably know what it is like to restrict. Restricting or disconnecting from hunger makes us think more about food, which leads to binging. Intuitive eating is a concept that is all about slowing down from your normal routine and checking in with yourself. You can start incorporating small but consistent check-ins throughout the day to practice mindfulness.

How you can rebel against diet culture to live intuitively, free from disordered eating, fat phobia, and body politics:

• listen to your intuition around food: try to eat when you’re hungry to make peace with food

• setting intentions along the path and journey you’re on: from anxiety around food, self-care in a holistic multifactorial way instead of just looking at body and weight. 

• social media detoxing

• listen to podcast: Food Psych by Christy Harrison

So how do you see yourself? How would you like to invite in more compassion to help you start accepting all of you?

Live intuitively and practice self-compassion. Search up and learn more about the Health At Every Size Movement, find out how to be more compassionate with your body, and find freedom with your body. Grieve with your body. Learn to honour your body. You deserve body peace.


Further Readings and Podcasts about this topic:


• Kristen Neff explains Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion

Blog post:
• Read 10 principles of intuitive eating by Evelyn Tribole

Befriending Your Body by Ann Saffi Biasetti PhD, LCSW
Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, and Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight by Linda Bacon

Food Psych with Christy Harrison