Decipher Counselling Art Therapy Studio

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When Giving Advice Is Not Helpful

“What should I do?” “What would you do?”

These questions can become controversial in the therapeutic setting and many counselling programs teach therapists to NOT give out advice to clients.

Therapists don’t just give out advice through our support and here are some reasons why that may be…

Advice giving can be unsolicited if we don't fully understand and hear the person's story.

Advice giving can sometimes take active listening and intuition/inner wisdom or critical thinking away from the person.

Are there assumptions behind the advice? When that happens, it could be taken as ignorant and insulting and can do more harm than good!

There may be so much more than just a person asking for advice. For instance… is there 'decision paralysis'?

Does indecisiveness come up because this person hasn't been allowed to make their own decisions? (eg. parents made it for them or their partner would invalidate them)

I’d be curious to learn about the scale of the dilemma and concern is here: What would happen to this person if they were to make a choice?

And who gets to give the advice?

The person who is feeling stuck or who is about to make a big decision is the one doing the work, walking the walk.

That person is the EXPERT of their experience. Not us.

How can we close the power difference when we are around a person 'asking' for advice?

Some questions to reflect on:

• Am I playing the role of the hero or the saviour?

• So I gave them advice- how will the advice be interpreted? Will this person give me feedback on how it went for them?

• Does my advice for them stump or expand their growth as a human?

• How can I offer true support for this person?

TLDR; understanding and listening a person's story is supportive, trying to fix them or their situation is debatable. Advice giving can often times be from your experience - what is theirs?

I don’t see advice giving in the therapy field talked about enough. Curious to know what you think are the differences between getting support and getting advice. And how do you want to feel when you receive support?